Why Organic Cotton? The Benefits for You and the Planet | Organic Attire
Posted by Janae Stephens on 1/31/2025 to
Many years ago, a colleague who made organic cotton clothing approached me with an offer. She had some extra organic cotton blanks she couldn’t use and asked if I wanted to buy them. At the time, we were using conventional cotton blanks, and
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Green Gift Ideas for a Healthy Planet
Posted by Janae Stephens on 11/16/2021 to
We are approaching the time of the year when some of us start to think about giving gifts to friends and family for the holidays. If we want to be a healing force on our planet, we want to give gifts that are healthy for the planet, and ultimately, healthy for us as well. And so with that, we thought we would share some healthy gift-giving ideas with you.
Nature: Our Source of Inspiration [Photo Blog]
Posted by Janae Stephens on 6/23/2020 to
During this time of staying close to home, we count our blessings that we live in a beautiful place surrounded by the beauty of Nature. This is the source of our inspiration, our muse, and we thought since we are not getting to be with you at the shows, that we will invite you into our world.
Thoughts from an Artist in the Hills
Posted by Janae Stephens on 4/6/2020 to
During COVID-19, this artist shares how she stays positive, healthy, and creates an additional income stream by helping people stay well and financially stable.
Our Planet in Balance: Simple steps we can take
Posted by Janae Stephens on 2/14/2020 to
Our beautiful planet is threatened by pollution and climate change that is destroying our environment. Here are some simple, healing steps we can take.